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Book Printing Sydney

Barbossa book printing sydney

Here at the Barbossa Book Printing office in Pyrmont, Sydney, we’re your go-to company for all your self-publishing and book printing needs; and while your book printing costs and book design can easily be requested and managed via email, here at Barbossa Book Printing we understand that some new self-publishers will want to make an appointed to discuss their book printing needs in person. That’s where we shine. While other online book printing companies expect you to have your own press-ready book design file, we understand that not everyone does; and so instead of just uploading a sub-par Word Document PDF file to their website, we would like you to ask us to quote professionally type-setting your book. We are so affordable when compared to other book printers, that having your book professionally typeset and printed with us as a bundle, still might be more cost-effective than just using another book printing company. Of all the book printing companies to choose from, we’re so confident in the value-to-service we offer, that we encourage you to request a quote with us here at Barbossa Book Printing.

If you would like to arrange a meeting, please complete the Request a Quote form first, so that we can have an understanding of your soft cover book printing needs before we call you.

The problem with automatic quoting systems is that they force your book into the format
they want. You're not a cookie, so why put your book through the cookie cutter process.


Get your free ISBN when you design and print your book at Barbossa Book Design. As if that didn’t make life easier enough, remember, we stand by our quotes as a static price, and so now you know what your print and ISBN will cost you before you start the design phase of your next book.

What is an ISBN? An ISBN is the barcode that you see below and often on the back of books.

We heard you do cheap book printing. Is that right?

It is true that we are very cost effective at book printing, but that being said, we do not consider ourselves to be a cheap book printer and do not like that wording. While we are one of the most cost-effective book printing specialists in Australia, we are also one of the best quality book printers in Australia. There is no reason to not ask us to quote your book printing project, you have nothing at all to lose.



book ISBN